Educating young girls is one of the wisest investments of our time. Educating young girls not only prevents early marriage and childbirth-related deaths but also prepares girls to find jobs and take their places as informed global citizens, contributing to solutions in an ever-changing world. Anne Hathaway, Meryl Strepp

Educate Girls Now was inspired to help ensure that Afghan girls have access to an education by the 2013 film Girl Rising, and Zarghuna Karghar’s book Dear Zari (2012). Now that our program is in its ninth year of implementation, we have expanded our work to the widows featured in the BBC documentary, "The War Widows of Afghanistan"; whose families are perilously close to the edge of starvation.

Girls are vulnerable to be married off as child brides when families cannot afford to buy food or send their children to school.  But, with your help, a girl can be saved, fed, clothed, and educated for only $80 a month.

Educate Girls Now provides needy Afghan families with money for food, heaters, and shelter in exchange for their mothers’ commitment to ensure their daughters are educated. Without your help, most of these families would survive solely on bread and their children would freeze to death in the extreme cold of the Afghan winter. Our team on the ground in Afghanistan, closely monitors the families to ensure they are cared for and that all girls receive an education.

Since the Taliban took over in August 2021, girls have been banned from all secondary schools and universities. This has propelled Educate Girls Now to provide education to more than 100 children through online classes, home tutors, and after-school programs in madrasas including the necessary books, workbooks, and other materials. In spite of the current situation, our EGN girls can complete high school and pursue a university degree.

We absolutely cannot allow a whole generation of young women to lose access to education. With your help Educate Girls Now will continue to contribute to positive social change within the wider community.


Families become literate with the help of Educate Girls Now

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